Monday, November 30, 2009

HDB accidents drop

HDB accidents drop
05:55 AM Dec 01, 2009
The Housing and Development Board's accidents rate dropped for the first nine months of this year, despite there being more construction and upgrading projects. The figure of 0.36 accidents per million man-hours was much lower than last year's rate of 0.52, and far below the industry average of 2.9.

However, the HDB will further drive workplace safety efforts, as it opens up the construction market to consultants and contractors who are new to HDB works and, thus, unfamiliar with its safety requirements.

Worksite briefing, safety assessment and checks have been stepped up, while four contractors have been taken to task for not following proper construction procedures: They were fined and barred from bidding for jobs for between three months to a year. BYRON HO

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